Scientific Modeling & Environmental Fate
ENSCO scientists are trusted experts in the fields of Environmental Fate and Biosystems Modeling. We apply our understanding of the modern Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNe) mission to provide unique and timely solutions to the U.S. government and federal entities.
Atmospheric and Computational Chemistry
ENSCO scientists couple experiment with computational theory to develop algorithms that predict the evolution of CBRNe threats in atmospheric, terrestrial and floral environments. Our theory is also a guide to experimental researchers in academic and commercial labs, which have been our traditional partners.
Biological and Environmental Modeling
ENSCO provides modeling and simulation architectures that are dedicated to optimizing the design, deployment and performance of sensors and collection systems in politically sensitive, operationally challenging, hard target environments. Our virtual analysis reduces design costs and risks, streamlines deployment, and generates concepts of operation that maximize system effectiveness. This includes sensor integration, false alarm reduction, and optimum sensor deployment.
Chemical and Biological Early Warning
ENSCO engineers, scientists and software developers integrate protocols and modeling architectures into end-to-end Hazard Prediction, Decision Support tools to generate critical intelligence for mission planning, situational awareness, and forensic analysis of strategic and tactical targets. We have more than 45 years of experience in providing quick reaction solutions to ensure that our customers know where, when and how to detect, respond and prevent threats throughout the CBRNe spectrum.