Atmospheric Modeling
Improved computing and lower costs have allowed individual companies to run atmospheric prediction models. ENSCO runs a national scale model at a 12 km resolution and produces forecast fields tailored for individual customers.
ENSCO’s expertise with modeling systems includes the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS), the ARPS Data Analysis System, Local Analysis and Prediction System, and the Weather Research and Forecasting Model. These models have run in research mode and operationally at scales as small as 1 km resolution. ENSCO manages its own state-of-the-science Massively Parallel Processing computer systems, which are designed to run meteorological models in an operational setting, providing forecasting and decision aids to our customers.
Technology Transition
ENSCO has been a leader in transitioning atmospheric research into operations for almost 25 years. The unique challenges of forecasting the weather for the Shuttle Launch and Landing facility at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) led the team to investigate and implement high-resolution weather prediction models. Incorporating the diverse set of weather sensors at KSC into the initialization of the model, including NEXRAD Level II data, wind profilers and wind tower data, has improved the accuracy of the forecasts. These models are used daily by the forecasters at KSC, as well as the National Weather Service office in Melbourne, Fla., and the Spaceflight Meteorology Group in Houston, Texas.
Scenario Modeling
Modeling scenarios for testing or training are important when the physical environment is either too expensive to secure or impossible to replicate. ENSCO has extensive experience modeling mission scenarios to emulate nominal or anomalous situations to verify system performance or evaluate operator interactions without risk to life or physical assets.
Toxic Plume Modeling
As a specialized application, ENSCO has developed sophisticated atmospheric modeling tools that illustrate the behavior of a plume of toxic material released into the environment. ENSCO provides tools for safety personnel to make informed decisions regarding the evolving incident in order to protect life and property.