ENSCO to Demonstrate and Present Assured PNT Technology at the ION Joint Navigation Conference

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San Diego, CA, June 9, 2023

JNC 2023 - Visit ENSCO Booth 528ENSCO Inc. (ENSCO), a leader in Assured Positioning, Navigation & Timing (A-PNT) Technology, will be at the Institute of Navigation (ION) Joint Navigation Conference (JNC) in San Diego, CA, from June 11-15, 2023. ENSCO plans to promote the Transportation Technology Center (TTC) in Pueblo, CO as a path for developing Assured PNT technology across multiple domains and demonstrate their latest RF Ranging technology known as the PicoRanger Array. Along with their presence in Booth #528, ENSCO will be taking part in multiple presentations and discussions each day of the event to engage and share their expertise with the many A-PNT thought leaders in attendance.

  • On Monday, June 12, at 2:50 p.m. as part of C1: Antenna Technologies (CRPA) and Interference Mitigation for Robust PNT, Dr. Wil Myrick, Charlie Vines, Nicholas Pinco, Scott Frushon, will be presenting "CRPA Delay and Jitter Characterization for Timing Systems using the Jitterbug Measurement System."
  • On Tuesday, June 13, at 8:55 a.m. as part of D3: Application/Impact of PNT Technologies in the Homeland Critical Infrastructure, Dr. Wil Myrick and Charlie Vines will be presenting "The Time Interval Counter Kit (TICK) for Distributed Persistent Surveillance of IRIG Signals in Timing Networks."
  • On Wednesday, June 14 at 10:50 a.m., as part of D6: AI/Machine Learning (ML) for PNT Situational Awareness, Stanley Radzevicius, Brian Sexton, and Dr. Wilbur Myrick will be presenting "GPS Situational Awareness Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Techniques."
  • On Thursday, June 15, from 8:30-10 a.m., Dr. Wilbur L Myrick will be a session chair for B8: Complementary PNT: Terrestrial RF Aided (Non-GPS).


ENSCO, Inc., and its wholly owned subsidiaries, provides leading-edge engineering, science, and advanced technology solutions to governments and private industries worldwide. ENSCO operates in the aerospace, national security, surface transportation, and cybersecurity sectors and focuses on technologies, products, and services that support safety, security, reliability, and efficient customer missions. Field offices and subsidiaries, representatives and partnerships are located throughout the United States and around the world. Learn more about ENSCO.


The Military Division of the Institute of Navigation hosts the Joint Navigation Conference each year for the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security. This conference provides a setting to focus on advances in battlefield applications of GPS, critical strengths and weaknesses of field navigation devices, warfighter PNT requirements and solutions and navigation warfare. Learn more about JNC.

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